Doggie Daycare


During daycare your dog(s) will get up to 7 hours of enrichment play time, get plenty of exercise and be socialized with many other pups! They will also have multiple breaks throughout the day. During our break times the dogs get to relax and listen to soothing meditation music. All of our playgroups are closely monitored by our certified CPR and dog body language staff.

All dogs who enroll into daycare must pass our temperament test. This test takes approximately 15-20 minutes and is $20 per dog. During that time, we will determine which playgroup best fits your dog’s disposition and personality. So your pup has the very best experience possible and looks forward to visiting us! If your dog passes the temperament test, they will get to stay the rest of the day for daycare.

Our requirements are that all dogs are up date on Rabies, Distemper, & Bordetella shots. Puppies have to be up to date as far as they can be due to their age. Dogs must be spayed/neutered at 6 months of age in order to stay enrolled in our daycare program. All dogs attending our facility must attend 3-5x a month.


*Late Fee applies after 6pm.

*2 dog family discount only applies to dogs in the same household.

1 Dog Family- $35

2 Dog Family- $63

Temperament Assessment- $20 per dog

Preferred Pup Packages

Take advantage of our great discounts! Save up to $3 per day!

*All sales are final. No refunds on packages.

*Expires 1 year from date of purchase.

1 Dog Family Fetch Cards

10 Pack Fetch Card- $330

20 Pack Fetch Card- $640

2 Dog Family Fetch Cards

10 Pack Fetch Card- $305

20 Pack Fetch Card- $600